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About Dominant Features Corp


Dominant Features Corp (DFC) is an appraisal management company (AMC) founded on the concept of providing highly focused, high-quality appraisal services exclusively to California's residential real estate market.

Exclusivity, Quality & Service

Unlike the typical AMC, Dominant Features Corp appraisal management company doesn’t host a huge roster of random, faceless appraisers scattered across the county nor offer every appraisal service and appraisal report under the sun, constantly driving prices and quality down. This type of AMC is loosely defined as an appraisal network, and has neither the best interest of their clients nor appraisers in mind.

At Dominant Features Corp we believe in quality, not quantity, as reflected by the three major tenets of our appraisal management concept:

By concentrating on specific service areas, offering a focused range of services and employing a select team of appraisers, we ensure our clients receive the highest quality appraisal reports and appraisal services. Dominant Features Corp is an appraisal management company dedicated to providing superior client-centered customer care.

Meet the Founder

Motivated by a driving vision to create a different kind of AMC, Creighton Booth, CEO and Founder of Dominant Features Corp appraisal management company, founded the company based on a less-is-more concept of providing concentrated, elite, client-centered appraisal services.

 With nearly 20 years in the appraisal industry, Creighton is a poised and skillful professional.
     In addition to his overall appraisal experience, he worked in the lending and banking industry for more
       than a decade, developing outstanding management, administrative and business development
        expertise. He combines his practical appraisal and lending industry knowledge with strong
          management talents in the pursuit of making Dominant Features Corp the best appraisal
           management company in the business.